Just when you thought you knew what all the abbreviations were!

These wonderful folks from Precision Conservation Management (PCM), Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) and The National Great Rivers Research and Education Center (NGRREC) work collaboratively with the RISCWD.

Our efforts and missions have many similarities – conservation!

Lou in a red hat leaning next a tree with thousand of mushrooms
 Lou Liva – Northwest Region PCM Specialist

Lou works to help farmers understand the financial impacts of adopting in-field conservation practices, and assists farmers in maximizing cost share opportunities through public and private revenue streams. In his free time, Lou enjoys spending time in his vegetable garden, bicycling, live music and getting out on the water.
 You can reach Lou at: 309 391 2346
Leticia Taliafero smiling in her office wearing a red shirt.
Leticia Taliafero – IDOA Conservation Planner

Farmer turned Planner uses her experience to assist new farmers and producers navigate the benefits of implementing conservation practices in their operation. You can reach Leticia at  Leticia.Taliafero@illinois.gov
Reqan in a rust colored T shirt standing by a river birch smiling.
Regan Baker – Land Conservation Specialist (LCS) for National Great Rivers Research & Education Center (NGRREC)
Working as a partner with NRCS in 6 Illinois counties (Henry, Mercer, Rock Island, Henderson, Warren, Knox) to help monitor, manage, and plan for their Wetland Reserve Program (WRP) and wetlands/wildlife practices in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP).
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