Hemlock, Eastern


12-16 inches in #1 standard pot.

Availability: 20 in stock

SKU: 101-1062 Category:

Canadian Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) – A Graceful, Shade-Tolerant Evergreen

Canadian Hemlock, also known as Eastern Hemlock, is a large, elegant evergreen tree native to eastern North America. Known for its soft, feathery needles, pyramidal shape, and shade tolerance, it is commonly used in landscaping, hedges, and forest restoration projects. This long-lived conifer provides year-round beauty, wildlife habitat, and excellent screening in gardens.

Foliage (Needles): Short, flat, soft needles, ¼ to ¾ inch long. Dark green on top, with two silvery-white bands underneath. Needles grow in a feathery, horizontal arrangement along slender branches.
Height & Spread: Grows 40 to 70 feet tall in landscapes (up to 100 feet in the wild). Spreads 25 to 35 feet wide, forming a graceful, pyramidal shape.
Growth Habit: Slow-growing, adding about 12 inches per year. Dense, soft foliage makes it ideal for hedges and privacy screens.
Cones & Seeds: Produces small, oval-shaped cones, ½ to 1 inch long. Cones start green and mature to light brown in fall. Seeds provide food for birds and small mammals.
Bark: Gray-brown, rough, and furrowed with age. Young trees have smooth bark with small, scaly patches.
Roots: Shallow root system, making it sensitive to drought and compacted soils.
Habitat & Range: Native to eastern North America, from Canada to the Appalachian Mountains. Thrives in cool, moist forests, streambanks, and shaded slopes. Prefers well-drained, acidic soils and grows best in partial to full shade.
Wildlife Benefits: Provides shelter for birds, deer, and small mammals. Chickadees, warblers, and finches feed on its seeds. Deer-resistant, but young trees may be browsed in winter.

One of the Few Shade-Tolerant Conifers: Unlike most evergreens, Canadian Hemlock thrives in full shade, making it valuable for understory plantings.
Long-Lived & Slow-Growing: Some trees live over 500 years, making them one of North America’s longest-lived trees.
Key Role in Forest Ecosystems: Helps regulate temperature and moisture in forests, providing cool, shaded microclimates.
Sensitive to Air Pollution & Drought: Unlike some conifers, Canadian Hemlock does not tolerate urban pollution or dry soils well.

Growing Canadian Hemlock: Best for shade gardens, privacy hedges, and woodland landscapes. Thrives in partial to full shade, preferring cool, moist, well-drained soils. Requires consistent moisture—not drought-tolerant. Grows well in acidic soils, making it a great companion for azaleas and rhododendrons. Can be pruned into a formal hedge or left to grow naturally.